Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's your head we want now! (or what's inside it even better)

OK, are you seated? Wait till you hear this! Just as if we didn't have enough intrusions into our privacy with all the "initiatives" of companies such as  Facebook and Google, I have learned now that there are serious efforts going on to actually de-code our thoughts and tastes for marketing purposes. Sounds a bit sci-fi, doesn't it? But the truth is that these researchers are working extra hours to discover the way we develop our preferences. They call it Neuromarketing. Scared? It gets even better!

If these efforts are successful, that is, if they crack this code, they will eventually be able to know what you and I like and prefer without even having to ask us. Even more, they will know even better than us, why we like what we like.

Ok, enough with the complaints and the inflammatory accusations. Honestly, what's the harm? Won’t we after all end up still liking what we like? It's not that they have found a way to override our preferences or manipulate our taste, but that somebody out there is working -and apparently making progress- to find a shortcut to get straight to the point.

The potential for good applications is indeed enormous. But as usual, the potential for abuse is even bigger.

Fortunately for the peace of mind of all those concerned or scared, according to Martin Lindstrom, the knowledge available of the way the brain works is still fairly primitive. Will they get there? Most likely they will, but it’s really hard to know how long it will take them. For now, be not afraid. Your secrets are safe inside your head.

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